Randy Blythe de Lamb Of God se cae de espaldas en el escenario tras resbalar al lanzar una patada al aire

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Randy Blythe, el frontman de Lamb Of God, vivió una situación complicada en el concierto que ofrecieron el viernes (24 de mayo) en Camden (Nueva Jersey). El incidente se produjo en el último tema del show en el que Lamb Of God estaban actuando como banda telonera de Slayer. Conocido por su interpretación enérgica, Blythe se cayó de espaldas tras lanzar una de sus características patadas al aire. El frontman se resbaló al coger impulso sobre una plataforma golpeándose contra ella en la caída.

Ha sido el propio Randy Blythe quien ha compartido un vídeo y fotos de la caída en su cuenta de Instagram explicando el incidente con todo tipo de detalles y con sentido del humor. También ha mostrado su espalda amoratada a consecuencia del fuerte golpe. “Sales del escenario. Les dices a tus colegas que te miran horrorizados que no estás muerto y que nada está roto. Te das cuenta de la marca de la caja de metal estampada en tu carne. Te pones hielo en la espalda y te levantas dolorido al día siguiente para la última jornada de la gira”, concluye Blythe.

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I’m well known as an energetic front man. I’m constantly moving, jumping off shit, climbing on top of stuff, just generally running around like a rabid chicken w/his head cut off. This has always been my way, & this is what my favorite frontmen always did- you see, I came up seeing bands like Bad Brains & The Jesus Lizard- HR & David Yow WENT OFF on stage. So I give 110% EACH NIGHT, EVERY NIGHT. If you aren’t doing that, get off the stage, you damn weakling. I’m also 48 years old. That means that I’ve played hundreds & hundreds of shows. That means… shit happens. Let’s take last night in Camden NJ for example- last song of the set. I’m feeling good. The band, we are a’ rawking. I’ve been running around for 50 minutes, screaming my head off, jumping, kicking, throwing down. It’s near the very end of the last song. Time for one more high kick before the audience sings the last chorus. I approach the two foot tall welded metal ego box. I plant my left foot, balancing on the edge of the ego riser, & swing my right leg up. EXHIBIT A, PHOTO # 1: YEAH, RANDY, YEAH! FUCK YEAH! Just look at that kick! Damn dude- you’re looking GOOD! What grace! What poise! What POWER! That kick would take someone’s head clean off! Freddy Madball would be proud. WAIT! Uh-oh… the ego riser is slick. Something crappy is about to happen… EXHIBIT B, PHOTO # 2: NO, RANDY, NO! TOO MUCH POWER IN THE KICK ON A WET SURFACE! Shit! Left foot slides out from underneath you! This sucks! Mid-air, you realize: RANDY, YOU ARE NOT LOOKING SO GOOD, YOU GODDAMNED IDIOT. SHIT! FUCK! CURL INTO A BALL LIKE WHEN YOU SLAM SKATEBOARDING! HERE IT COMES! BLAM! & you slam into the ego box on your side- OUCH! 1st thought: please don’t let my ribs be broken. 2nd thought: PLEASE let @kevinwilsonnyc have caught that! Roll off ego riser, jump to feet in a split second, finish the song & the set. EXHIBIT C, PHOTO # 3- walk off stage. Tell horrified looking friends that you are not dead, & that nothing is broken. Notice imprint of metal box on back stamped into your flesh. Go ice down back. Wake up sore next day for last day of tour. Remind yourself that you are pushing 50. Walk it off, son… 😂😂😂 ROCK AND ROLL, BABY

Una publicación compartida de D. Randall Blythe (@drandallblythe) el

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